Christmastime is upon us, with the manifestation and revelation of the One who has come to set us free, so we may in turn “proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners”.
Please find attached a memo from Bishop Gary Gordon regarding the impact on worship services and other church gatherings of the restrictions announced December 21st.
The valuable and free Pastoral Care Outreach Training series will be offered online again this winter. Nine sessions will be held via Zoom on Saturday mornings from 9:30 – noon, starting on January 29, 2022, and running until April 9 (with no sessions on March 19 & 26 for Spring Break). Participants who attend all sessions will receive a Certificate of Completion. Whether you are a member of your parish Pastoral Care Team, an Extraordinary Minister of Communion, a member of the Knights of Columbus, CWL or St. Vincent de Paul, clergy or religious, a caregiver to a family member, or someone who is considering simply adding these skills to their toolbox, this training program is important. It will show why those who visit the sick are unique, and how they can offer more than a friendly visit – they can be the hands and face of Christ to others. Bishop Gary Gordon feels “it is important to have parishioners trained at the ready to provide a caring and compassionate experience to those who are most in need.” Please register through your local parish by Jan. 24, 2022.
Join with youth and leaders from the Diocese of Victoria & FACETOFACE MINISTRIES for a faith building event like no other. United virtually from BC to Saskatchewan - we will experience a weekend to remember sharing our faith, friendships, and tons of fun!
As we move into a time of more frequent worship services, and an increased seasonal risk of COVID-19 transmission, the BC government has released updated Public Health Orders on gatherings and events.
Sacred Heart Franciscan Youth Group gathers biweekly to build a community that cares for God’s creation and one another by learning, having fun and deepening our faith. Sundays at 1pm on Zoom
This happens during the holiday season with priests, bishops or senior executives. Scammers can get names off the internet and webpages. Diocesan employees don’t ask for gift cards, money or transfers via email. Check the email address, don’t just look at the name! This season please be very careful. 2020 Memo attached.